- desperate housewives 위기의 주부들
- 시즌 5, 에피소드 20
- 개비의 요청으로 톰이 정원사 미팅에 참가 했습니다. 그곳에서 톰은 어떤여성과 매우 친해 졌습니다. 개비는 톰이 바람피울까봐 걱정합니다. 그래서 경고를 합니다.
so if i see something that could hurt her, you bet your ass, i'm gonna do something about it.
you (can) bet your (sweet) ass
- You can be absolutely certain that something will happen. Sometimes used ironically.
예문 You bet your sweet ass I'm going to that concert—I've been saving up to buy a ticket for months now!
예문 Oh, you can bet your asses that Kevin will be late tonight—he's never on time!
예문 I can't find my umbrella, so of course you can bet your ass that it'll rain soon.
'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글
snap at (0) | 2022.03.18 |
butt out (0) | 2022.03.18 |
straighten something up (0) | 2022.03.18 |
be up to sth (0) | 2022.03.17 |
BS meter (0) | 2022.03.17 |
knock yourself out (0) | 2022.03.17 |
keep your pants on = keep (one's) shirt on (0) | 2022.03.17 |
cop a feel (0) | 2022.03.16 |